NordSec 2024

Karlstad University, Sweden, from 6th to 7th November 2024

KAU Campus

The 29th Nordic Conference on Secure IT systems (NordSec) 2024

NordSec is an annual research conference series that has been running since 1996. The NordSec conferences address a broad range of topics on IT security. The events bring together security researchers from the Nordic countries, Northern Europe, and beyond. In addition to being a venue for academic publishing, NordSec is an important meeting place for university faculty, students, and industry researchers and experts from the region.

NordSec addresses a broad range of topics within IT security with the aim of bringing together computer security researchers and encouraging interaction between academia and industry.

Hosted by Karlstad University

Contact: general chair


2024-05-23: Program Committee complete, organization work ongoing.

2024-03-13: Call for papers is out!